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Faculty of Social Sciences and Cultural Studies

Interdisciplinary courses related to this department

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Introduction to Academic Writing

Course Description

This course aimed to equip students with essential skills for scientific research writing, focusing on core principles such as understanding the nature of science, learning scientific work techniques, conducting topic research, and correctly citing sources. Students will develop the ability to formulate independent research questions and engage in ethical research practices. These insights and skills will not only enhance their academic performance but also develop mindset as educators promoting a culture of critical thinking, rigor, and integrity in educational institutions.



Faculty of Social Sciences and Cultural Studies


Department of Education Science


Erum Afzal

Study Period (dd/mm/yy)

14/10/2024 - 14/02/2025

Mode and Time

start date: 16.10.2024, Wednesdays 8– 10am 

Class Format


Online Tool for Teaching


Language of Instruction


Target Group

Bachelor, Teacher Training


English B1

Examination Format

Group presentation and portfolio



Empowering Educators with Multi-professional Collaboration and Digital Innovation

Course Description

In this course, participants will learn the importance of collaboration and interdisciplinary teamwork, enabling them to work effectively with colleagues from various backgrounds. By exploring innovative theories and models, participants will develop a deeper understanding of how to improve educational quality and promote lifelong learning. Moreover, they will acquire future skills and learn to integrate advanced technologies into their teaching practices, empowering them to adapt to evolving educational landscapes and drive positive change within their institutions.



Faculty of Social Sciences and Cultural Studies


Department of Education Science


Erum Afzal

Study Period (dd/mm/yy)

14/10/2024 - 14/02/2025

Mode and Time

start date: 14.10.2024 Mondays, 8–10 am

Class Format


Online Tool for Teaching


Language of Instruction


Target Group

Bachelor, Teacher Training


English B1
Workstation(Laptop/Computer) to install and work digital tools

Examination Format

Group presentation and term paper



Popular Culture and the Negotiation of Cultural Images

Course Description

Culture is based on practices and symbolizations. As much as individuals within the environment of culture are “doing culture”, e.g. they are actively facilitating the cultural conditions they live in, they are also determined and targeted by existing cultural framings and discourses. Of greater importance here is the emergence of cultural images which communicate social meaning and function as shared resources to produce a common lifeworld and the social bond. From the 20th century onwards, within the increasingly mediatized modern societies, it has subsequently been representations of popular culture that provide the decisive cultural images which define the cultural self-understanding of the contemporary and, therefore, the condition of a cultural reality shared by all members of the society. Due to the globalizing conditions of media society and popular culture, these cultural images of the contemporary do on the one hand unfold on global scale. Due to fairy tales, Disney, and Animee, people today are vastly referring to the same set of cultural images. Then again, these images gain different meanings in different regions, and there are also always particular cultural images on regional and local level. In our class we will reflect on the emergence, functionality and discourse practices of (global) cultural images. We will therefore refer to theory as much as we will focus on specific examples.



Faculty of Social Sciences and Cultural Studies


Department of  Sociology


Prof. Dr. Jörn Ahrens, Prof. Tatjana Louis

Study Period (dd/mm/yy)

14/10/2024 - 14/02/2025

Mode and Time

block seminar : 22.11.2024, 29.11.2024  
both 3:30-7:30 pm CET

Class Format

Block Seminar


UniAndes, Colombia/ Prof. Tatjana Louis

Online Tool for Teaching

Stud.IP, Zoom

Language of Instruction


Target Group

Bachelor, Master

Open to students of the following fields: 

  • Sociology
  • Literature studies
  • Cultural studies
  • English B2
  • Sufficient self-esteem to practice academic English
  • A keen interest in questions of popular culture and visual culture and in theoretical approaches towards both
  • The clear willingness to actively engage in class
Examination Format

Presentation in class + written version, or academic paper.



Transition and Inclusion in Global Educational Contexts

Course Description

Due to increasing migration and globalization processes, dealing with (cultural) heterogeneity and preparing for it is a central challenge of teacher education. Intercultural perspectives and international experiences are essential for the professionalization, especially for future preschool and primary school teachers. 
VIEW (= Virtual intercultural exchange worldwide) as a digital project-seminar focuses on intercultural perspectives and exchange. The goal of this seminar is to promote an intercultural exchange of international and German (preschool, inclusive and primary) education students by focussing on the topics “transition” and “inclusion”. Through the intensive work while the whole seminar, the students will get to know each other better and an intensive exchange is promoted, on a formal and informal level. 
There will be a fixed group of international and JLU students. The group will be divided into fixed small groups of international and JLU students. 
The seminar will focus on 3 content modules:

  • M1: Basics on Transition and Inclusion
  • M2: Transition to primary school
  • M3: Inclusion

The course is designed by a flipped classroom-model: At first students get theoretical input via a digital learning environment (e.g. texts, videos, …). Secondly, the students meet in groups virtually and work on a task together. Finally, a joint discussion about the module topic and the students’ experience takes place. Beyond the formal exchange there will be compulsory wrap-up sessions for informal exchange. 
Accompanying the seminar, students will create an e-portfolio to document learning content as well as their personal experiences and reflections. Assessment will focus on the presentations of the group-work and on essays.



Social Sciences and Cultural Studies


Department of Childhood- and School Pedagogy


Dr. Ulrike Beate Müller, Giessen University Germany
Associate Professor Maire Tuul, School of Educational Sciences, Tallinn University Estonia

Study Period (dd/mm/yy)

23/10/2024 - 14/02/2025

Mode and Time

Synchronous block seminars
start date: Wednesday 23rd October, 5-7 pm (UTC +2)

Block seminar dates:

Wednesdays, 5-7 pm CET,

  • 23 October 
  • 30 October 
  • 20 November 
  • 4 December 
  • 11 December 

on Fridays, 3-6.30 pm CET:

  • 15 November 
  • 29 November
  • 6 December 
Class Format

Block Seminar


Associate Professor Maire Tuul, School of Educational Sciences, Tallinn University Estonia

Online Tool for Teaching


Language of Instruction


Target Group

Bachelor, Master

Students of the following subject/field: 

  • Teacher training
  • Educational science
  • Everyone interested

English B2
(optional: German B1)

Examination Format

Portfolio, group presentation and essay



Global Governance, Peace and the Crisis of Liberal World Order

Course Description

The lecture will be available online and most lessons will not be held in classroom. However, three sessions will be held online and give the opportunity for an exchange with the lecturer. In a first section, the lecture deals with basic concepts (e.g., global governance, theories of international relations, liberal world order) and the impacts of populism, nationalism, and the regression of democracy on global governance - or on the system of the United Nations. On the one hand, students from different study programs will be provided with basic information necessary to understand arguments made about the impact of declining liberal world order on global governance. On the other hand, the lecture will follow a problem-oriented approach and analyze or explore these issues in depth. It will analyse developments in different issue areas (e.g., environment/climate change, development, world trade, disarmament, management of violent conflict and peace-keeping, human rights, food etc.). Lectures will be held in English language and be available in Illias (via Studip). Each lecture includes puzzles with questions to students (for self-study or discussion with students in Studip) or small video-clips about specific themes related to an issue area.



Faculty of Social Sciences and Cultural Studies


Department of Political Science


Prof. Dr. Helmut Breitmeier

Study Period (dd/mm/yy)

14/10/2024 - 14/02/2025

Mode and Time


Class Format


Online Tool for Teaching


Language of Instruction


Target Group

Bachelor, Master

Open to students of the following subject/field: 

  • Political Science
  • Sociology
  • Geography
  • Area Studies 
  • Interdisciplinary Study Programs
  • Law

English B2
Basic Knowledge about International Relations

Examination Format




Responsible for the content: Ben Kahl: Contact by e-mail