We, the mobility team at JLU, are committed to providing you a full-fledged virtual experience in our programmes. To ensure this, we provide resources for support as well as additional accompanying programmes which you can participate in for an enhanced learning experience. All our resources and accompanying programmes are listed below. Our goal is to assist you every step of the way and make your virtual journey as enriching and seamless as possible, offering you not only academic support but also opportunities to engage with our global community!
“Join a virtual classroom at JLU - learn from anywhere!”
You Want To Apply?
In case of questions or concerns regarding internal matters of courses, such as online class links, syllabus, exams, etc., please contact the lecturers of the respective course directly via email. In case of any other issues, such as issues regarding application, document submission, passwords for electronic systems, etc., please contact the mobility team at
Yes, you will receive an official Transcript of Records from JLU listing each of the courses in which you particiapted and your performance.
Yes, we always look forward to your participation in our programmes. If you have already completed a semester with us, you may re-apply using the application form for re-applicants.
Via JUSTfind you can search the library holdings, including online books or articles. With the JLU EZ-Proxy you can get external access to e-books and digital magazines that are available at the university network. You need your User ID and the network password to log in. If you have any questions, please contact auskunftprotect me ?!bibsys.uni-giessenprotect me ?!.de.
No, you do not automatically receive a JLU account upon enrolment. You will receive detailed information about both the enrolment process and how to set up your JLU account in your acceptance e-mail.
Yes, as a reapplicant, you must go through the enrolment process again. This includes setting up a new JLU account, as you cannot use your previous login credentials.
You Have Been Accepted?
Starter Kit
Be it physically or virtually, pursuing an educational experience in another country can be daunting, especially at the start. Therefore, we have put together an academic starter kit that will ensure a smooth start to your journey in our virtual programmes. The starter kit includes resources on improving academic writing skills, studying effectively, knowing about the German academic system, principles of good scientific practice, etc. You may access these resources at any time during the semester.
Accompanying Programmes
We would like to assure you that we have your back throughout your entire virtual journey with us. This is why we have put together several accompanying programmes that take place at different times thoughout the semester, alongside your studies. These programmes are designed to make sure that you have a smooth, fun and meaningful virtual experience.
The International Office organises the JustInternational Series, with the Ultimate Get-together, which are weekly student-to-student online meetings, and a Question Monday twice a month. The programme is published monthly and invites you to get to know each other and network. You´ll have the opportunity to meet JLU students and other international students in an informal setting at the Online Language Café or at the Quiz Night. Our Student Assistants are always keen to hear from enthusiastic students, so you are very welcome to contribute your own ideas to the programme planning during the semester! |
Additionally do no miss out on further events happening at JLU: Visit the JLU International Calender! |
You Need More Help?
Get in Touch With Us
We have a dedicated team which is there to assist and guide you through every step of your virtual journey. If you have questions, concerns or doubts about any aspect of our programmes, please send us an email at
VIPprotect me ?!admin.uni-giessenprotect me ?!.de.
You may reach out to our programme coordinators using the contact information below:
Virtual International Programme (VIP): Julia Wenz
Virtual European Exchange Programme (VEEP): Kirsten Apel