Virtual Course Catalogue
Explore JLU’s Virtual Course Catalogue, a collection of approximately 50 courses spanning all 11 faculties. These courses are available in a range of languages, including English, German, Spanish, and more, offering flexibility and accessibility to a global audience. The programme also includes online German language courses, enabling students to improve their linguistic skills while pursuing academic growth.
Designed with flexibility in mind, the Virtual Course Catalogue offers a diverse array of courses and formats to suit different time zones and the unique academic requirements of JLU’s partner universities. Whether you are looking for subject-specific modules or language development opportunities, the catalogue is tailored to provide an enriching and personalised educational experience.
The Virtual Course Catalogue is more than just a learning resource—it is a gateway to experiencing JLU’s academic environment from anywhere in the world. Students can explore JLU’s world-class teaching and research without leaving the comfort of their homes, making it an ideal option for those seeking international education without the need to travel.
Most importantly, participation is completely free of charge for students from JLU’s partner network. This ensures that the benefits of high-quality international education remain accessible and inclusive for all.
Don’t miss the chance to broaden your academic and cultural horizons. Discover the wide-ranging course offerings of JLU’s Virtual Exchange Programmes (VIP/VEEP) today and take the first step towards an unforgettable academic journey!

Important Information
All courses in the summer semester (April - July 2025) will be held in the time frame CEST (UTC+2) Central European Summer Time.
Courses during the winter semester (October 2025 - February 2026) will start with the time frame of CEST and change from the 26th of October 2025 to CET (UTC+1) Central European Time.
Course Variety and Formats
- Regular Courses – Available every semester or specifically in the summer or winter terms, offering high-quality teaching on fundamental topics.
- Specialised Courses – Rotating courses that focus on current academic, political, and economic issues.
- Interdisciplinary Seminars – Led by expert instructors from various disciplines, these seminars foster cultural exchange and develop both intercultural and digital skills.
- International Virtual Collaborative Teaching – Seminars co-taught by JLU lecturers and instructors from partner universities worldwide, providing a rich collaborative learning experience.
- All courses within the Virtual Course Catalogue take place online
- Hybrid courses include in-class participants (JLU degree-seeking students in Germany) and online participants (virtual international students). Though these courses have an online component, the in-class aspect makes them not fully virtual for some participants.
- Recorded/ Asynchronous courses are entirely virtual and involve self-paced study with recorded materials
Synchronous courses are entirely virtual live sessions on a specific date and time

International Virtual Collaborative Teaching
Virtual Course Catalogue
Faculty 01 - Law
This course introduces students to various interesting questions in comparative constitutional law through selected constitutional instruments from various European jurisdictions. It provides not only an introduction but also a comprehensive overview of European constitutional law. The course aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to apply prevailing comparative legal methods in the development, interpretation, and evaluation of constitutional norms, institutions, and systems.
The course offers an overview of the European constitutional order at both the domestic and international levels. The relationship between European constitutional standards and national constitutions is a central focus. We will briefly examine European developments in both the European Union and the Council of Europe to better understand the constitutional landscapes of individual European countries. Additionally, we will explore the question of constitutional change, with a focus on how constitutions are amended and how new constitutions are written.
El concepto de “diplomacia científica” se asienta cada vez más en la gestión de la investigación y experimenta transformaciones en la medida en que se aplica a casos específicos. Más allá de abordar las relaciones existentes entre la política científica y la política de relaciones exteriores de un país determinado, la diplomacia científica alcanzó un consenso importante como concepto cuando la Royal Academy of Science del Reino Unido y la American Association for the Advancement of Science de Estados Unidos publicaron el documento de política New Frontiers in Science Diplomacy: Navigating the Changing Balance of Power, que ha servido para enmarcar la discusión sobre el concepto.
Una lectura crítica del documento, especialmente desde las experiencias del Sur Global, permite también identificar zonas grises del mismo. Es común encontrar que esta clase de conceptos globales suelen ser adaptados a las realidades de distintas regiones del mundo y sus resultados son distintos a los originalmente esperados. Lationamérica ha realizado esfuerzos de conceptualización de la diplomacia científica que se han llevado a cabo desde distintos escenarios como la Oficina Regional de Ciencias para América Latina y el Caribe de la Unesco, el Instituto Interamericano para la Investigación del Cambio Global y la Red Latinoamericana de Diplomacia Científica, entre otros.
El extractivismo, entendido como “la explotación de grandes volúmenes de recursos naturales que se exportan como commodities y generan economías de enclave” (Wagner, Extractivismo, en: Diccionario del agro latinoamericano) es un tema de suma actualidad en América Latina – pensamos, por ejemplo, en las discusiones acerca del Cerrejón en Colombia, la extracción de petróleo en el Parque Nacional Yasuní-ITT en Ecuador o las minas de cobre chilenas.
Desde un acercamiento interdisciplinario, el seminario indaga por un lado los conflictos socio-ambientales en torno al extractivismo y las dinámicas de sociedades rentistas. Se revisará la exportación de recursos (oro, plata etc.) desde los tiempos de la Colonia, descrita en las crónicas españolas, mestizas o indígenas; así como el nuevo extractivismo verde y las discusiones sobre el hidrogeno verde.
The seminar focuses on the multiple forms of feminist activism and knowledge production emerging in different locations of the Global South, with a particular emphasis on Latin America. It connects the political activities and discussions taking place in these contexts around women’s and LGBTQ+ rights with the fields of transitional justice and peace building, which seek to address conflicts and political violence around the world. Students will approach various feminist currents focusing for instance on armed conflict and human rights violations, antiracist and decolonial praxis, environmental justice, and sexual and reproductive rights. The seminar also provides a conceptual background on key elements of feminist and queer theorization such as gender, intersectionality, sexual orientation/gender identity, patriarchy, structural racism, coloniality, ethnicity, care and many others. coloniality, ethnicity, care and many others.
Este curso explora cómo los museos de América Latina y Europa abordan la memoria, la resistencia y la transformación social desde enfoques críticos y comunitarios. Se analizará cómo los museos latinoamericanos, como espacios de lucha y sanación frente a la violencia, dialogan con experiencias europeas centradas en la conmemoración, la justicia y las narrativas identitarias.
El seminario busca generar espacios de reflexión acerca de las formas, métodos y metodologías para desarrollar investigación social en escenarios de conflicto y posconflicto desde perspectivas éticas, que cuestionen paradigmas clásicos y avancen en el reconocimiento de diversas fuentes de conocimiento.
El curso facilitará el acceso a literatura sobre metodologías decoloniales y críticas, a la discusión activa con profesores y profesoras invitadas y a material audiovisual que aborda el tema central. Ello, mientras genera fundamentos teórico/prácticos acerca del pensamiento decolonial, sus potencialidades y retos.
El objetivo será contribuir a la reflexión crítica y al análisis de nuevos y posibles escenarios para la investigación social usando estrategias y conceptos que aportan a la co
El curso pone en el centro la migración para analizar la reproducción de las desigualdades sociales y la vulneración de los derechos humanos. Se propone brindar a quienes participan en el curso contenidos que sirvan para el análisis teórico de las migraciones a partir de una visión crítica. En las últimas clases se profundizará el lugar de las memorias migrantes en la resignificación de identidades colectivas y en el tránsito del duelo migratorio.
Este curso se abordará desde un enfoque interdisciplinario que ponen en discusión la relación entre migración, desigualdades sociales y memoria. La propuesta consiste en clases expositivas aunadas al trabajo autónomo semanal de lecturas obligatorias por parte del estudiantado y la participación de foros.
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to Italian private law, focusing on the fundamental elements of the legal system, including its sources, interpretative methods, and essential legal categories. Following an initial overview, key topics such as legal subjects, inheritance law, tort law, and contract law will be examined.
To enhance understanding, historical contexts and current issues will be explored, highlighting the dynamic and adaptable nature of legal institutions. For instance, the evolving nature of legal subjectivity will be discussed, from past conceptions to contemporary issues like the personification of artificial intelligence and future generations.
The course will give an introduction to the field of peace and conflict studies. After discussing basic concepts, the course will deal with topics including Peacebuilding; Transitional Justice and Human Rights; Gender; Natural Resources and Education.
En este seminario se consideran críticamente las relaciones dinámicas entre la música, el conflicto armado y la construcción de paz. Se debaten las maneras en que académicos de varias disciplinas han respondido a preguntas centrales de este campo emergente, tales como:
¿la guerra afecta la sonoridad de la música? ¿Cómo son las músicas de los actores armados? ¿Cómo se relaciona el ejercicio de la violencia con narrativas y performances musicales? ¿La música es, necesariamente, una fuerza positiva para la sociedad? ¿Se pueden implementar proyectos musicales que contribuyan a la construcción de paz?
La visión central del seminario proviene de la relación interdisciplinar entre la etnomusicología y la ciencia política, enfocándose en los haceres musicales de personas en diferentes contextos políticos y socioculturales, pero nutriéndose igualmente de un rango de visiones de profesores y artistas invitados y la formación previa e intereses de los inscritos.
The course explores the language of law through comparative studies, focusing on the legal systems of Poland and Germany. It examines how legal concepts, terminology, and interpretation differ and interact in these systems. The course highlights the challenges of multilingual legal frameworks, the influence of EU law on member states, and the role of legal language in shaping jurisprudence and governance.
Faculty 02 - Economics and Business Studies
Die Veranstaltung besteht aus zwei Teilen. Im ersten Teil werden die Grundlagen der Buchführung und der externen Finanzberichterstattung vermittelt. Im zweiten Teil werden darauf aufbauend die Grundlagen der Kostenrechnung besprochen. Insbesondere werden betriebswirtschaftliche Begriffsabgrenzungen, Kostenarten-/Kostenstellen/-Kostenträgerrechnung, Voll- und Teilkostenrechnung sowie die Einführung in die Anwendung weiterer Kostenrechnungsinstrumente erläutert.
The goal of the course is to develop the basic concepts of Competition Policy and Industrial Organization. The students will learn how firms can compete in markets and how to evaluate market results. Based on this understanding, the participants will learn how to analyze horizontal and vertical mergers, agreements between firms (tacit and explicit collusion as well as horizontal and vertical agreements) and how firms may abuse a dominant market position. In doing so, several key concepts will be highlighted, such as market definition, contestability, network effects and foreclosure. The students will learn how to analyze these aforementioned topics from a technical perspective and how they are evaluated in a competition policy perspective.
This course gives an overview of the economic study of innovation and the production of new goods and services. Students will learn about the importance of the research and development activities of firms and how they are influenced by public policy in general and by the patent system in particular. The course introduces patent races, the economics of licensing, and the study of adoption and diffusion of new technology. A further topic concerns R&D cooperation with a focus on the working of Research Joint Ventures. Throughout the course we will discuss the Schumpeterian themes of the relation between market structure, firm size and innovation. The course will also evaluate current technology policy as implemented in various countries. A seminar-like part will conclude the course with various case studies of firms’ research and development activities and innovations with a special focus on the pharmaceutical sector.
This course deals with network industries like electricity, gas and water supply as well as with the telecommunication sector and how to regulate them. A special focus is laid on the consequences of the asymmetric distribution of information among the agents active in these sectors. Here, one might think of product markets characterized by uncertainty about qualities and prices as well as labor markets, insurance markets, or financial markets. These markets are characterized by endogenous information that is generated by some market participants' behavior affecting other market participants' behavior. As a consequence, the market mechanism may be distorted or even fail.
Im Modul Rechnungslegung nach HGB werden – anknüpfend an die Grundlagen der Buchführung – nun weiterführende Kenntnisse über Adressaten, Ziele und Inhalte der Finanzberichterstattung nach HGB vermittelt, wofür neben allgemeinen handelsrechtlichen Vorschriften ergänzend auch die Vorschriften für Kapitalgesellschaften im Detail behandelt werden. Für ein fundiertes normatives Verständnis der Rechnungslegung werden vor allem die Rechnungslegungszwecke, die Grundsätze ordnungsmäßiger Buchführung und die verschiedenen Publizitätsvorschriften näher betrachtet. Der Schwerpunkt der Veranstaltung liegt insbesondere auf den allgemeinen und speziellen Ansatz- und Bewertungsregeln: Vorschriften für die einzelnen Abschlussposten und auch Sonderthemen der Bilanzierung werden schrittweise erarbeitet, und die Studierenden lernen, selbstständig Bilanzierungslösungen zu hinterfragen und zu interpretieren – denn nur, wer die Technik der Buchführung und die gesetzlichen Regelungen zur Rechnungslegung kennt, kann betriebliche Zusammenhänge aus dem Zahlenwerk eines Jahresabschlusses herauslesen und ist in der Lage, sinnvolle wirtschaftliche Entscheidungen zu treffen.
Lectures: basics from game theory and its applications to financial markets, esp. the debt crises
Seminar: selected topics in debt crises and financial markets
Faculty 03 - Social Sciences and Cultural Studies
Dwelling is a vital condition and activity. In continuation of the seminar from the winter semester, we will explore the question of what characterizes dwelling. And how dwelling becomes the plaything of various powers, from the financial market to propagandistic demands to camps in which dwelling can become a nightmare. We will discuss fundamental texts on the topic, including works by Aalbers, Agamben, and P. Marcuse. You can take this course even if you did not attend the winter semester seminar on dwelling. If you did attend, don't worry: there will be little overlap with the winter seminar, and we will discuss new texts!
The unequal distribution of environmental benefits and harms produced by modern capitalist production remains one of the most pressing societal challenges of our time, giving rise to “environmental justice” as a topic of socio-political mobilization and a theoretical concept in social science for analyzing (re-)distribution, mobilization, representation, and political participation. Environmental justice focuses on the nexus between social discrimination and environmental burdens affecting groups such as poor communities, racial minorities, children, and indigenous peoples, and highlights demands for equal environmental protection.
This course offers a comprehensive exploration of digital pedagogy, equipping participants of the course with the knowledge and skills to effectively integrate technology into the classroom. As educational environments increasingly embedding digital tools, this course emphasizes both the theoretical foundations and practical applications of technology in education sector. Participants will examine how digital resources can enhance teaching methodologies, support diverse learning styles, and promote engagement and collaboration among students, teachers and institutions.
The participants of the course will also gain hands-on experience with a different digital/ Artificial Intelligence embedded tools and platforms commonly used in schools. Topics include interactive learning environments, digital assessment methods, and strategies for developing students' digital literacy. Emphasis will be placed on aligning technology use with pedagogical goals, fostering critical thinking, and preparing students for an increasingly digital world with effective use of AI in education sector.
In a first section, the lecture deals with basic concepts (e.g., global governance, theories of international relations, liberal world order) and the impacts of populism, nationalism, and the regression of democracy on global governance - or on the system of the United Nations. On the one hand, students from different study programs will be provided with basic information necessary to understand arguments made about the impact of declining liberal world order on global governance. On the other hand, the lecture will follow a problem-oriented approach and analyze or explore these issues in depth. It will analyse developments in different issue areas (e.g., environment/climate change, development, world trade, disarmament, management of violent conflict and peace-keeping, human rights, food etc.). Lectures will be held in English language and be available in Illias (via Studip). Each lecture includes puzzles with questions to students (for self-study or discussion with students in Studip) or small video-clips about specific themes related to an issue area.
This course is designed to help educators build strong collaboration and teamwork skills, enabling them to work effectively with multidisciplinary teams from various fields and backgrounds. Participants will learn approaches that enhance the quality of education and support effective, lifelong learning through the integration of technology.
The course also focuses on equipping participants with essential skills for the future. They will learn practical, meaningful ways to incorporate advanced technology into their teaching, helping them remain adaptable in an ever-evolving educational landscape. By the end of the course, participants will feel confident in using these tools and strategies to drive positive change within their schools or institutions.
Overall, this course empowers educators to become leaders in their fields, enhancing their ability to engage students, foster collaboration, and improve the overall learning experience.
The course will discuss open government data as a socio-technological issue. It will prepare students to work with open data as a practitioner or scholar. Seven seminars will constitute three main modules.
The first module (seminars on April 01 and 15) will provide basic concepts to understand open data development globally. It is expected that interactive discussions about open data role in democratic countries will take place during these sessions on the basis of the suggested readings.
The second module (seminars on April 29, May 13 and 27) will be devoted to theoretical approaches to analyse open data. Students will be invited to adopt multidisciplinary social science lens to look at this phenomenon and to prepare an individual analytical paper afterwards.
The third module (seminars on June 10 and 24) will discuss examples of open data practices from different countries. It is planned to invite two open data practitioners from private sector or civil society to share about their work and to have an interactive discussion with course participants.
The seminar gives an overview on school pedagogical research aspects (e.g. heterogeneity, inclusion, transition, assessment, teaching methods). Aspects of inclusive education are important for all future teachers and thus the focus of this seminar will be set on inclusion.
These and other aspects will be compiled using lectures, best practice examples, own reviews, and written elaborations. This seminar aims to manage pedagogical requirements regarded to teachers’ professional development. Acquisition of skills in the area of dealing with heterogeneity, transfer and implementation of knowledge in one's own lesson planning and thinking about an inclusive school.
Faculty 04 - History and Cultural Studies
The advent of the internet and digitalization in Eastern Europe unfolded concurrently with its post-socialist transformation. Following the 1989 “Fall of Nations” in East Central Europe, the political and economic crises in the Soviet Union, and its eventual dissolution in 1991, new independent states emerged across the region. This massive restructuring of political and economic life coincided with the advent, dissemination, and simultaneous segmentation of the internet.
Faculty 05 - Language, Literature, Culture
Der Kurs hat das Ziel, einen Einblick in aktuelle literatur- und kulturwissenschaftliche Forschungsprojekte, -debatten und -themen zu vermitteln. Zudem sollen die Studierenden bereits erworbene Kenntnisse vertiefen und in konkreten Forschungszusammenhängen anwenden. Der Kurs bietet damit auch die Möglichkeit, Interesse an eigenen literatur- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Fragestellungen zu entwickeln und diese zu begleiten.
Im Seminar werden Methoden und Techniken der Wortschatzarbeit im DaZ- und DaF- Unterricht thematisiert und tlw. ausprobiert.
In diesem Tandemseminar zur Vermittlung der Grammatik in den beiden Kontexten Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache werden ausgewählte grammatikalische Phänomene im Kontext ihrer Funktion analysiert. Dabei steht die Verbindung von sprachwissenschaftlichen Grundlagen mit praxisorientierten didaktischen Methoden im Vordergrund.
Wir erarbeiten dazu, wie sie grammatische Strukturen nicht isoliert, sondern in kommunikativen und fachspezifischen Kontexten für die Niveaustufen A1 bis B1 vermitteln können. Sie reflektieren dabei die Rolle der Grammatik für das Verstehen und Handeln in konkreten sprachlichen Situationen und entwickeln in Teams Unterrichtsmaterialien, die Lernenden ein selbstständiges Entdecken und Üben der neuen Strukturen ermöglichen.
Unterschiedliche Übungsformate (geschlossen vs. offen) werden ebenfalls vorgestellt und diskutiert, um die Gestaltung passender Übungsformate zu unterstützen. Zum Abschluss werden die unterschiedlichen Planungen diskutiert und die entwickelten Übungssequenzen gemeinsam erprobt.
The study of the history of the English language offers highly relevant insights into how we ended up with the English language as it is structured and as it functions all around the world today. In this lecture, we will pay particular attention to the different periods in the history of the English language, i.e. Old English, Middle English, Early Modern English, Late Modern English and Present-day English, in order to follow the structural changes on the levels of phonology, lexis, syntax and semantics that have led to the English language as we use it today. We will also consider various areas of linguistic study that include a historical component, e.g. historical text linguistics, historical sociolinguistics, historical corpus linguistics, etc.
Intercultural communication is an interdisciplinary field of study. In order to present a variety of theories that have been developed and emphasised at different stages of intercultural communication as a distinct area of research, this seminar aims to approach it from sociological, anthropological, psychological and linguistic perspectives. Particular attention will be paid to the interactions themselves, in which participants are involved and which may be expressed in multimodal ways.
The seminar will be held in collaboration with the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) in Brazil and will therefore include practical experience of intercultural communication.
This course aims at familiarizing students with approaches to the study of human language in general and to English in particular. Attention will be paid to important concepts and terms of core areas of theoretical linguistics (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics) and to their relevance to the fields of applied linguistics, such as language acquisition and sociolinguistics.
Das Seminar Kinder- und Jugendliteratur in Theorie und Praxis bietet Studierenden die Möglichkeit, umfassende Kenntnisse im Bereich der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur zu erwerben. Im Fokus stehen Analysemodelle und deren Anwendung für unterschiedliche Medienformate wie z.B. Bilder- und Kinder- und Jugendbücher, aber auch Hörmedien und Apps, die sowohl eine Reflexion des Inhalts als auch der jeweiligen Medienästhetik ermöglichen. Im Anschluss lernen die Teilnehmer*innen verschiedene didaktische Ansätze kennen, die insbesondere für die Gestaltung von Lernsituationen in inklusiven Gruppen Anwendung finden können.
Der Kurs rückt den Prozess des Schreibens in den Fokus: Ausgehend von einer Reflexion und Rekonstruktion der Studierenden zu ihren ersten eigenen Erfahrungen des Produzierens und Rezipierens von Texten werden sie in verschiedenen Schritten an den Prozess des eigenständigen (kreativen) Schreibens von Kurzgeschichten herangeführt. Theoretisch-methodisch ist der Kurs auf die Textsorte der Kurzgeschichte ausgerichtet – praktischer Input, Tipps und Erfahrungen werden von der französischen Autorin Dr. Nirina Ralantoaritsimba ergänzt und von der Seminarleiterin literaturwissenschaftlich eingeordnet. Beide nehmen die Studierenden mit in den Entstehungsprozess ihrer eigenen Texte und in die Frage der Reflexion narrativer Mittel und begleiten das Schreiben der Studierenden in einem interdisziplinären Dialog von Praxis und theoretischer Reflexion, wobei die Freude über den Erfolg der ersten eigenen Texte im Vordergrund steht.
Eine neue Lern- und Lehrkultur sollte die Individualisierung der Lernprozesse ermöglichen. Das verlangt differenzierte Lernangebote, neue Formen des Lehrens und eine zunehmende Selbststeuerung von Lernprozessen durch die Lernenden. Im Zuge der Diskussion um eine neue Lernkultur findet sich auch immer wieder die Forderung nach einem individuellen Sprachlerncoaching als begleitende Unterstützung auf dem Weg zu mehr Lernerautonomie. Allgemeines Ziel einer Sprachlernberatung ist es, Lernende in ihrem Fremdsprachenlernen in einer Reihe von Lernumgebungen (z.B. beim Sprachenlernen im Tandem, in Selbstlernzentren und nicht zuletzt in Schulen) dabei zu unterstützen, Verantwortung für den eigenen Lernprozess zu übernehmen und individuell effiziente Lernwege zu finden.
Im Mittelpunkt des Seminars sollen theoretische Grundlagen des Sprachlerncoaching diskutiert werden, eigene Erfahrungen mit Lernberatungen ermöglicht werden und Ansätze einer wissenschaftlichen Begleitforschung aufgezeigt werden. Erste Schritte einer Ausbildung zum Lernberater sind vorgesehen.
Das Seminar verfolgt das Ziel, in die Literatur der Romantik einzuführen. Wir lesen Texte von Eichendorff, Heinrich E.T.A. Hoffmann, Heinrich Heine und weiteren Autorinnen und Autoren der Romantik.
Syntax is the part of grammar which deals with the ways words are combined into sentences. We will first look at some key concepts in syntax from a structuralist perspective, starting with smaller syntactic units such as the word and the notion of different word classes. Phrases are another key concept syntactically superordinate to words, which function as constituents in clauses. In this context, it will be of pivotal importance to keep the dichotomy of form and function in mind. Apart from analysing different types of clauses (and sentences) and different ways of ordering elements in a clause (and a sentence), we will also examine the semantic roles of clause elements to discover the close connection between syntax and meaning.
Das Seminar gibt einen Überblick über text- und medienlinguistische Fragestellungen und Methoden. Das Seminar findet in Kooperation mit der Nationalen Iwan-Ohijenko-Universität Kamjanez-Podilskyj in der Ukraine statt und wird deshalb als Online-Seminar per Videokonferenz durchgeführt. Das Seminar setzt die Bereitschaft voraus, in virtuellen, interkulturellen Teams von deutschen, ukrainischen und weiteren interantionalen Studierenden über ein Semester hinweg gemeinsam an text- und medienlinguistischen Projekten zu arbeiten.
In a series of interactive lectures, I introduce the history of the United States in the twentieth century. My effort will be to relate twentieth-century legal and cultural struggles to events in the United States at present. For instance, we will discuss how early twentieth-century immigration bans and quotas relate to voting rights issues and anti-immigration discourse now.
Im Seminar reflektieren wir gemeinsam zentrale Fragen zu Wortschatz, Wortschatzlernen und Wortschatzvermittlung: Was bedeutet es, ein Wort zu „kennen“? Wie ist lexikalisches Wissen mental organisiert? Wie wird Wortschatz in Fremdsprachen erworben (und unter welchen Bedingungen kann das gut gelingen)? Kann man Wortschatz beiläufig (z.B. aus Lesetexten, spielerisch) lernen? Was versteht man unter Grund- und Aufbauwortschatz? Welche spezifischen Herausforderungen ergeben sich beim Wortschatzerwerb im Deutschen als Fremdsprache (z.B. komplexe Wörter)? Welche Arten von Lernaktivitäten und Vermittlungsoptionen sind potenziell wirksam (und welche Rolle spielen dabei u.a. Kontextualisierung, Handlungsorientierung und mehrsprachige Ressourcen)? Wie können Lernende - im Sinne der Lernautonomie - Strategien des Wortschatzlernens entwickeln?
Faculty 06 - Psychology and Sports Science
Videos on all important topics of work and organizational psychology will be loaded in Ilias: e.g. motivation, job satisfaction, stress, safety, job design, groupwork, leadership, fairness & ethics, job analysis, performance and how to measure it, selection, training & orga, change, downsizing.
Faculty 07 - Mathematics and Computer Science, Physics, Geography
Climate is the result of various interactions between the five principal subsystems—atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, land surface, and cryosphere—which collectively contribute to the climate system. Each component is connected in different ways to each other such that changes in one component may give rise to changes elsewhere. The climate system is powered by the solar radiation and its time evolution is affected by the own internal dynamics and changing external factors (forcings) that influence the climate.
The block course is engaged with the general introduction to climate and climate modelling. Energy Balance models are further elaborated in a virtual online session. Participants will also have a hands-on practice on use of real climate model output, statistical analysis and visualisation.
Faculty 08 - Biology and Chemistry
- Atomic structure
- Periodic table of the elements
- Chemical bonding
- Valence structures
- Redox-reactions
- Acid-base chemistry
- Energetic and kinetics of reactions
- Organic compounds, hybridization
- Isomers and nomenclature
- Organic substance groups
- Reaction mechanisms
- Carbohydrates, proteins, fats
To introduce students to the basics concepts of sustainability, starting from an historical perspective and providing different declinations of sustainability (e.g., but not limited to, biodiversity, circular economy, resource depletion, raw materials criticality, climate changes). To enable students to address, in a holistic and transdisciplinary approach, the complexity and interdependencies underpinning the concept of sustainability and to critically correlate them (e.g. relationships between biodiversity depletion and climate changes/global warming).
- Fundamentals of polymer sciences: molecular weight, coil models
- Types of polymers and polymerization
- Transition metal catalyzed polymerization
- Organometallic chemistry, methods for construction of carbon-carbon bonds
- Polymer and material properties
- Crystallinity of polymers
- Polymer recycling
- Processing of materials
- Liquid crystals and OLEDs
This course focuses on the analysis and evaluation of scientific publications, coupled with intensive writing exercises and self-editing to enhance text correction skills. Students will learn how to plan, organize, and detail research projects, as well as collect, prepare, and present data effectively. The course also includes training in creating graphical representations of scientific results and presenting personal research findings. Additionally, it covers the use of specialized English terminology and nuances pertinent to scientific communication.
- Basic electrochemistry (galvanic cells, electrolysis)
- Concepts for batteries (Li-ion battery, metal-oxygen batteries, redox-flow cell)
- Solar cells, LEDs, OLEDs
- Photovoltaics: potential for the energy revolution
- Water splitting and fuel cells
- Sustainability concepts for energy materials (following the 12 criteria of Anatas)
- General thermodynamic considerations for the energy revolution (energy content of storage materials, energy conversion efficiency)
- Basic concepts of green and sustainable chemistry and the evolution of the field.
- Overview of alternative modes of activation of chemical reactions (i.e. microwaves, ultrasound, light), their mode of action and use in organic chemistry.
- Principles of photochemistry and photocatalysis for the synthesis of organic molecules.
- Application of mechanochemistry for selective transformation of organic molecules.
- Principles of electrochemistry and their application in organic synthesis.
- Design of flow systems for their application in synthesis.
- Homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts for the development of green/sustainable chemical processes.
- Valorization of the use of organic solvents and an overview of the development of alternative solvents (new solvents from biomass resources, ionic liquids, deep eutectic salts, water etc.).
- Identify and evaluate impacts of pollutants on water quality
- Correlate sources and available technologies for pollution minimization and control
- Discuss characteristics of different types of advanced oxidation processes
- Analyze influence of process parameters on efficiency of water treatment by advanced oxidation processes
- Correlate degradation mechanisms of water pollutants with biodegradability and toxicity changes
- Assess inhibitory effect of water matrix in practical application of advanced oxidation processes.
- Explain the basics for the selection of materials for membrane preparation, and how to characterize membranes
- Define types of membrane operations and design membrane systems
- Select membranes for specific purposes and to test their main characteristics
Faculty 09 - Agricultural Sciences, Nutritional Sciences and Environmental Management
Our modern technology- and services-based economy crucially depends on natural resources. Thus, many current policies deal with the overexploitation of natural resources. In the modern economy, the electricity (power) sector plays a central role. On the one hand, it exploits renewable resources (wind, solar power etc.) and non-renewable resources (fossil fuels), on the other hand, it contributes to climate change by exploiting the atmosphere as a non-renewable resource (greenhouse gas dump). Against this backdrop, this course explains basic methods and advanced models and provides a deeper understanding of the underlying economic mechanisms referring to current policy challenges.
Faculty 10 - Veterinary Medicine
The WP is taught as a virtual block course in English. In terms of the One Health approach, the course will be multidisciplinary. This means that participation is also possible to a limited extent for students of other disciplines, e.g. biology and human medicine. Two dates will be offered, covering topics from reproductive medicine to human relevant infectious diseases of wild animals and molecular infection research.
The WP will be taught as a virtual block course in English. In terms of the One Health approach, the course will be multidisciplinary. This means that participation is also possible to a limited extent for students of other disciplines, e.g. biology and human medicine. Two dates will be offered, covering topics from basic epidemiology to significant animal diseases and data collection.
Faculty 11 - Medicine
The course “Basic Books” is structured as a reading course, which deals with central books on global health. Students can choose between different books, which they would like to read as well as to discuss and present in groups. These books include “A History of Global Health”, “Blind Spot” and “Fresh Fruit, Broken Bodies - Migrant Farmworkers in the United States”. The course should improve reading skills and contribute to a better understanding of global health issues.
The seminar Migration and Health in the European Union and Turkey is structured as a transdisciplinary and transnational hybrid seminar (online and in presence). The transdisciplinary character is given in different research and teaching approaches to understand the nexus of migration and health: The sociological approach focuses on the social determinants of health by analyzing social networks of migrants (labor migrants, family reunification, students as well as asylum seekers and refugees). The political approach investigates the political determinants of health by looking at immigration and health policies and laws. Furthermore, the medical approach is analyzing the actual health outcomes of migrants and differences between various migrant groups. The transnational character of the seminar is embodied in the conceptual collaboration of the seminar between different EUPeace partners from Giessen University, University of Calabria (Italy), Universidad Comillas Madrid (Spain), and Cukurova University (Turkey). We look at the different determinants of health of migrants in Germany, Italy, Spain, and Turkey in a comparative perspective. The seminar should improve knowledge about migration and health issues, contribute to a better understanding of EU and Turkish migration policies, and enlarge intercultural competences and English skills of students and future teachers (particularly regarding migration and health terminology, categories, and concepts) of students.
Language Courses
You have already attended German courses at A1.1 level and can't get enough? Do you want to keep practising or simply repeat the basics? Then this offer is just right for you! You can work on, repeat and deepen the content at your own pace at the time of your choice.
The course covers the basics of A1.1 level and offers in-depth opportunities for students who have already attended an A1.1-course and achieved very good grades. As a fully digitalised offer, it will be possible to study independently at the desired rhythm at a time of your own choice.
48 hours of independent work, which means at least 4 hours of independent work per week.
Would you like to try out how it feels to learn German? Would you like to read your first short texts in German and understand simple movies in German? Would you like to learn the basics of German grammar? Would you like to learn some interesting facts about student life in Giessen?
Then sign up for our virtual taster course! As a fully digitalized offer, it will be possible to learn independently at the desired pace at a time of your own choosing. The course is for absolute beginners without any knowledge of German. It covers the basics of German at A0 level.
You have already attended the German course „A1+ Survival Level Reloaded” or any other A1 German course? Do you want to keep practising or simply repeat the basics? Then this offer is just right for you! You can work on, repeat and deepen the content at your own pace at the time of your choice.
The course covers the basics of A1.2/A2.1 level and offers in-depth opportunities for students who have already attended an A1 course. As a fully digitalised offer, it will be possible to study independently at the desired rhythm at a time of your own choice.
Du hast schon einen Deutschkurs auf B1-Niveau besucht? Du möchtest weiter trainieren und deine Kenntnisse festigen? Dann ist dieses Angebot genau das Richtige für dich! In deinem eigenen Tempo zu einer von dir ausgewählten Zeit kannst du die Inhalte erarbeiten, wiederholen und vertiefen.
Der Kurs ist auf die Vermittlung von Deutschkenntnissen im alltagssprachlichen und akademischen Umfeld ausgerichtet und bietet Vertiefungsmöglichkeiten für Studierende, die bereits einen B1-Kurs besucht haben. Als volldigitalisiertes Angebot wird es möglich sein, eigenständig im gewünschten Rhythmus zu einem selbst ausgewählten Zeitpunkt zu lernen.
Du hast schon einen Deutschkurs auf B2-Niveau besucht? Du möchtest weiter trainieren und deine Kenntnisse festigen? Dann ist dieses Angebot genau das Richtige für dich! In deinem eigenen Tempo zu einer von dir ausgewählten Zeit kannst du die Inhalte erarbeiten, wiederholen und vertiefen.
Der Kurs ist auf die Vermittlung von Deutschkenntnissen im alltagssprachlichen und akademischen Umfeld ausgerichtet und bietet Vertiefungsmöglichkeiten für Studierende, die bereits einen B2-Kurs besucht haben. Als volldigitalisiertes Angebot wird es möglich sein, eigenständig im gewünschten Rhythmus zu einem selbst ausgewählten Zeitpunkt zu lernen.
Il programma del corso mira a sviluppare una competenza comunicativa orientata all'azione nell'ambito delle abilità ricettive e produttive nella lingua straniera al livello B1+ del QCER, a insegnare strategie di apprendimento e a sviluppare una competenza pluriculturale.
Contenuti del corso:
- Attività di comprensione orale e scritta, grammatica, vocabolario, produzione e interazione scritta e orale
- Mediazione sotto l'aspetto dell'interazione e della collaborazione
- Aspetti socio-culturali del paese della lingua di riferimento
Il programma del corso mira a sviluppare una competenza comunicativa orientata all'azione con particolare attenzione alla produzione e interazione orale in lingua straniera al livello B1+ del QCER - Il programma serve a consolidare e ampliare i contenuti appresi nei corsi da A1 a B1 e a sviluppare una competenza pluriculturale.
Contenuti del corso:
- Attività varie di comprensione e produzione orale
- Mediazione sotto l'aspetto dell'interazione e della collaborazione
- Aspetti socio-culturali del paese della lingua di riferimento
Das Angebot fördert die selbstgesteuerte Erweiterung sprachlicher Fähigkeiten in einer Sprachtandem-Partnerschaft. Studierende setzen individuelle Lernziele, verbessern Sprach- und Kommunikationskompetenzen, dokumentieren ihre Fortschritte und reflektieren interkulturelle Erfahrungen.
The course supports the self-directed development of language skills in a language tandem partnership. Students set individual learning goals, enhance their language and communication skills, document their progress, and reflect on intercultural experiences.