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Declaration regarding the Barrier-Free Accessibility of the JLU Digital Campus

Justus Liebig University Giessen (JLU) attempts to increase its websites accessibility in accordance with the Hessian Disability Equality Act (HessBGG) and the Hessian Ordinance on Accessible Information Technology (HVBIT).

This declaration of accessibility applies to the website: JLU Digital Campus (https://www.jlu-digitalcampus.de).

Status of compatibility with the requirements

This website is not fully compliant with the accessibility regulations that apply to us. In detail:

  • Documents made available via the website (e.g. in PDF format) are mostly not available in a barrier-free version.

  • For videos and timed media no alternatives are offered in most cases and videos mostly miss subtitles (captions) or an audio description.

  • The home page lacks the provision of explanations about the website in easy language (German “Leichte Sprache”) and in sign language.

In addition, further barriers can be assumed.

When and how was the accessibility statement created?

This declaration was created on May 3, 2022.

Methodology of the examination: self-assessment.

The barriers described were identified as part of a random self-assessment. In addition, further barriers can be assumed.

The declaration was last reviewed on May 3, 2022.

Further measures to improve barrier-free access to our website

We always strive to optimize the accessibility of our website. Future adjustments to the website will always be implemented with accessibility requirements in mind.

When creating new PDF files, there is a focus on the barrier-free design. We are working on providing barrier-free alternatives for those files in the future.

When creating new videos, there is a focus on improving accessibility in the video producing process. We are working on providing subtitles (captions) for all already existing videos. Existing videos will eventually get audio descriptions. We are also looking for an accessible media element to use them.

Feedback and contact details

If you have noticed any deficiencies in the barrier-free access to our website or if you have any comments or questions regarding barrier-free access, please contact us in the following ways:

Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen

Ludwigstraße 23

35390 Gießen

Telefon: 0641-99-0

Telefax: 0641-99-12259

E-Mail: barrierefreiheitprotect me ?!uni-giessenprotect me ?!.de

Further contact option to the person responsible of JLU Digital Campus:


Enforcement Procedure

If after your feedback to the listed contact address no satisfactory solution is found after a period of 6 weeks, then you can directly contact the responsible enforcement and monitoring body Barrier-Free Information Technology.

Landeskompetenzzentrum Barrierefreie IT (LBIT)

Landgraf-Philipp-Platz 1-7

35390 Gießen

E-Mail: Durchsetzungsstelle-LBITprotect me ?!rpgi.hessenprotect me ?!.de

Responsible for the content: Mobility Team: Contact by e-mail